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House Kimura

Through their ancestry, House Kimura can be traced back to Old Verra serving as a merchant house in the Aelan empire. After its fall, House Kimura re-settled in Sanctus where the once small merchant house evolved into a prosperous gilded house, and over the centuries that passed, made additional investments. Forging alliances with other families, Consecrating their bloodline, and attaining influence were all a priorities for the house. While there were some questionable unions, House Kimura kept itself intact, and held up while other houses vanished throughout the decades. 

However, the most recent generation has offered House Kimura its greatest test yet - survival. In recent years, the family line has weakened, With the family matriarch, eldest son, and house liege all dying over the course of several years. These tragic developments left the only remaining heir, Sersei Kimura to take the reigns of her faltering house. Raised as a noble lady, and expected to marry for advantage, Sersei was never meant to lead her family. Yet, she has found she must do just that in order to keep it from being swept away like many before it. 

Through these trying times, Sersei has sought to bring together her allies, and forge a new path for the house. A new chapter, and beginning awaits.

House Focus

House Kimura is a Vaelune family, with a former, cultural focus on tradition. The family has been patriarchal until recently, when the family's only living heir was female. Legitimately recognized family members may have Vaelune or Kaelar descent, but bastards are a possibility.

House Kimura is a mercantile household, which employs and trains merchants of all types. Family members tend to be exceptional negotiators, and detail oriented in their everyday lives. 

Status & Wealth

House Kimura is a wealthy house, with a reputation that has risen to high esteem since their arrival on Sanctus. Their status has been carefully managed for generations, ensuring they continue to rise politically by making influential dealings and marriages among other noble vassals.  

Sersei Kimura is the current Liege of House Kimura. She has succeeded her father, who abdicated his role soon after the death of his wife and eldest son. In her role as Viscountess, Sersei has sought to start a new chapter for House Kimura, focused on revitalization and renewal. Partnering with their allies House Kimura has brought on new blood and perspectives to start the next chapter, and with that bring this gilded house back to its glory as they venture onward.

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Property of Gilded House 2024
Managed by Nahele Myrunji & Gilded Ventures.

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