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The below are actual summaries of in character events that have been played out by Members of Gilded House.

These events ran before Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Launch.



The enchanting melodies resonated within the Ballroom of House Kimura, echoing into the night air. A warm glow emanated from the ballroom, flickering like a comforting fire and reaching out into the world. Attendees gathered from the outside courtyard, making their way into the elegant ballroom. Among those present were two members of House Raine, Duke Almark and his son Adalbert Raine. Additionally, the priestess Aramanda Armanjani, the inquisitive Ezlain, the Blacksmith of House Calderon Graf Germaine, the ward of House Kimura Khalil Valure, the truth seeker Kohimal Ayust, the Miss of House Greythorne Lorelei Greythorne, the graceful Nythrim, the Provost of Gilded Ventures Nahele Myrunji, the Baron of House Calderon Riji Calderon, the Viscountess of House Kimura Sersei Kimura, the Thane of the Obsidian Order Thyra Auvray, the Huntress of the My'runji Clan Tonili Myrunji, the Fire Starter Thalia, and lastly, the familiar Shepvora were in attendance.

The affair presented a splendid opportunity for individuals to acquaint themselves, each adorned with masked facades that veiled their identities, fostering connections with those they might not have encountered immediately. While some engaged in dances, others indulged in gossip, and a few opted for quiet observation. As the event unfolded, identities gradually unfurled, a process hastened by Lady Kimura's announcement of her engagement and union with House Raine. Subsequently, identities were swiftly disclosed one after another, bringing the night to a close as attendees exchanged congratulations and farewells, leaving the festivities behind them.



Individuals hailing from diverse backgrounds and vocations made their way to the Episteme, nestled amidst the towering stone mountains of the North. Among them were Lorelei Greythrone, a Noble and the Curator for Gilded Ventures; Khalil Valure, often seen frequenting the estates of House Kimura and the town of Kimalune; Maxwell Rene, a seasoned physician and scholar; Thyra Auvray, the esteemed Thane of the Obsidian Order; Tonili My'runji, the Sister of Nahele and a Member of Phoenix Antiquities; and lastly, Ezlain, who had foregone the arduous journey by already being present at the Episteme.

Upon their arrival, they were guided through the outpost, led into the archives, and then traversed through the intricate tunnel network. Their path eventually led them to a recently unearthed tunnel where Nahele My'runji awaited, standing before a pile of stones concealing another passage. Two cloaked members of Gilded Ventures toiled behind him, diligently clearing debris as Nahele briefed everyone on the latest developments.

Nahele began by elucidating the ancient origins of the chamber they presently occupied, suggesting that its existence might span back thousands upon thousands of years, potentially even predating recorded history by a considerable margin. Emphasizing the significance of their gathering, he underscored their collective mission to unveil the truths buried within these ancient walls.

Given the pristine nature of the chamber, untouched by human presence until this moment, Nahele proposed an initial thorough sweep to ensure no stone remained unturned. Organizing the group into two teams, he assigned Team One comprising Ezlain, Khalil, and Tonili to explore the northern sector, while Team Two, consisting of Thyra, Lorelei, and Maxwell, would venture into the southern reaches.

Amidst questions and final preparations, the teams were readied for their respective tasks. With resolve in their hearts and curiosity fueling their determination, Team One and Team Two set forth into the depths of the chamber, eager to uncover the mysteries hidden within its ancient confines.

After both teams completed their investigations, they reconvened with Nahele My'runji to share their remarkable findings and thoughts. The discoveries made by both teams can be seen below by clicking the images to read more!

Once all findings were shared and discussed, the group prepared to enter the final chamber. With the path now cleared behind Nahele, they ventured forth and beheld the underground elven ruins. The collapsed roof of the chamber allowed natural sunlight to filter in, creating a mesmerizing sight that marked a fair conclusion to the end of the expedition for the evening.



After three arduous days of exploration, the team designated to investigate the southern region of House Kimura's domain finally approached the entrance to a lengthy stone corridor. This path had been meticulously carved within a deep chasm nestled amidst the imposing Mountain Range. As they neared the conclusion of their journey along this winding passage, they found themselves standing on the threshold of a vast clearing where the dense woods embraced the open space.

The weather was unforgiving; rain poured incessantly from the heavens, accompanied by thunderous claps that reverberated through the atmosphere. The biting wind cut through their clothing and armor, leaving none among them untouched by the chill. Not a single person remained dry, as the relentless downpour permeated through every layer.

Among the weary group stood individuals such as Lorelei Greythorne, Nahele My'runji, Adalbert Raine, Maxwell Rene, Melio'rai, Thyra Auvray, Lee, Khalil Valure, Aramanda ArmanjaniRiji Calderon and Einar Rockstrider. Each member of the team bore the physical toll of their journey, yet their resolve remained unshaken as they stood at the precipice of their next challenge.

As Melio'rai, Lee, and Khalil ventured westward, their senses keenly attuned to their surroundings, Melio'rai's sharp perception caught a glimpse of movement amidst the dense foliage of the trees. With a swift reaction, he signaled to his companions, alerting them to the hidden threat lurking within the shadows.

Before they could fully comprehend the danger, a sudden ambush ensued as the concealed assailant launched a surprise attack on Melio'rai, their intentions unmistakably hostile. The tranquility of the forest was shattered as the clash erupted, drawing the attention of nearby adversaries who emerged from concealment, revealing themselves as members of the notorious group known as Tiamaren.

It became apparent that they had stumbled into a carefully laid trap, orchestrated with meticulous precision. The question lingered like a haunting enigma: how did the Tiamaren know of House Kimura's movements to the south? The mystery hung heavily in the air, overshadowing the intensity of the unfolding conflict.

With the dual objectives of uncovering the truth behind the caravans and seeking retribution against the Tiamaren for their recent aggression towards the Auvray family, the members of Gilded Ventures, Obsidian Order, House Kimura, Greythorne, Calderon, and Raine found themselves thrust into a chaotic struggle as the battle erupted around them.

Despite the tumultuous symphony of nature's fury—thunder rumbling overhead and rain pelting relentlessly—the clash of swords and the cries of combatants resonated, cutting through the din with chilling clarity.

Amidst the chaos, an unexpected revelation emerged: an unseen ally among the enemy ranks, revealed to be none other than Sergio Kimura. The shock of betrayal added another layer of complexity to an already dire situation.

As injuries mounted and the odds seemed increasingly insurmountable, the only viable course of action became retreat. Whether being dragged from the battlefield, limping away from the fray, or valiantly defending the group's flank, each member found themselves making a hasty withdrawal towards the safety of House Kimura.

Remarkably, the enemy forces did not pursue, content with delivering their ominous message to the noble house to the north. Though battered and bruised, the members of the alliance were granted a temporary reprieve, their minds weighed with the gravity of the events that had transpired and the uncertain future that lay ahead.



After three to four days of arduous travel on foot, navigating through a newly carved path amidst the rugged mountain terrain, the group comprising Ezlain, Maxwell, Nythrim, Tonili, and Khalil finally arrived at their destination: a sprawling encampment meticulously set up in anticipation of their arrival.

Nestled within a vast clearing untouched by sentient life for millennia, the encampment was surrounded by remnants of ancient ruins and dominated by a colossal stone structure of spherical form. This clearing, cocooned amidst towering mountains on all sides, seemed to exist in a timeless embrace, shielded from the outside world by nature's grandeur.

As they approached, the wearied travelers marveled at the sight before them. The encampment bustled with activity, yet a serene aura permeated the atmosphere, exuding a sense of ancient wisdom and tranquility. Nahele, their awaited host, stood at the center, a beacon of warmth amidst the rugged landscape.

The two teams were swiftly organized and assigned tasks, each member ready to contribute their skills to the collective effort. With a nod of acknowledgment, they dispersed, their minds focused on unraveling the mysteries of the encampment.

As Maxwell's group delved into their assigned area, their keen eyes soon fell upon a structure shrouded in the mists of time. Methodically, they began their investigation, meticulously combing through the debris and remnants of the past. Their efforts were rewarded when Nythrim unearthed a talisman hidden amidst the rubble, its ancient symbols sparking a glimmer of excitement within the team.

Meanwhile, Ezlain and Khalil embarked on their exploration, navigating the treacherous terrain with caution. Their path led them to a secondary site, where they stumbled upon a red-hued crystal gleaming amidst the shadows. With a sense of intrigue, Khalil carefully retrieved the crystal, its significance yet to be unveiled.

However, as Ezlain's group probed deeper into the structure they examined, they made a startling discovery: the ground beneath them was unstable, hinting at hidden depths yet to be uncovered. Undeterred, they pressed on, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

After a brief but intense exploration, the two teams reconvened, their findings shared and analyzed. It was decided that they would adjourn for the day, allowing time for rest and reflection before continuing their endeavors. Nahele, remaining behind to oversee the camp, extended an invitation to all present, offering them the freedom to stay or depart as they pleased



Chapter IV: The Chapel Ceremony

The group gathered at the Chapel, the Sanctuary of Resna, to celebrate the wedding of Almark Raine and Sersei Kimura. This significant event drew a diverse assembly: Thyra Auvray, Maxwell ReneAdalbert Raine, Nythrim, Tonili My'runji, Nahele My'runji, Iulliana, Melio'rai, Anwar,  and Ezlain were all in attendance. Also present, though not physically, were the members of House Raine, who observed the ceremony from the pews. Aramanda, the officiant, guided the couple through their vows and final kiss, invoking the prayers and words of the deity of Hope. With the ceremony concluded, the attendees dispersed, some heading to the reception hall while others simply cherished the moment of union and departed.

Chapter V: The Reception

The reception commenced in an intimate setting, slightly more personal than initially planned. Sersei Kimura and Almark Raine were, of course, present, alongside Adalbert Raine, Sergio Kimura, Khalil Valure, Bainwyn Aris (Almark's personal guard), Riji Calderon, Thalia, Thyra Auvray (leader of the Obsidian Order), Nahele My'runji (leader of the Gilded Ventures), and Ezlain. The evening began joyfully with servants bringing food and drink, and speeches honoring the newlyweds.

However, the celebration was abruptly disrupted by explosions, followed by the eruption of a fire in a nearby woods. The sudden thrice knocking at the chamber doors preceded an invasion by armed mercenaries, aiming to capture Sersei and Almark. Chaos ensued as the attendees resisted the attack. Injuries began to accumulate among the party guests and their hosts as the reception hall deteriorated amidst the conflict.

As the group fought their way out of the reception hall, Lord Calderon and Thalia both fell unconscious from their wounds. Thyra Auvray, along with Bainwyn, led the group south towards the estate's primary entrance, encountering combat at every step. The scene was one of corpses, blood, fire, and smoke, but they eventually reached the primary courtyard. Here, the forces of the My'runji Clan and the Obsidian Order had breached the estate, clearing the remaining resistance.

The courtyard was littered with bodies of the Tiamaren, but more disturbingly, two familiar shapes hung from the central fountain: the mother and sister of Thyra Auvray. Thyra was briefly given hope that one might be alive, but it became clear both had been killed.

Meanwhile, in the far north of the estate, a battle continued with no updates on its progress. For safety, Almark and Sersei were escorted out of the estate. Thalia was sent to the My'runji Forest with Ezlain, while Thyra returned to her family estate with Adalbert and Khalil to bury her mother and sister. Nahele remained at the estate with Sergio, where eventually Riji would be tended to as well.

Voice Over that Played during the event Declaring War on House Kimura 


Voice Over that Played during the event Depicting the Horrific Scene of the Auvray Women


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Property of Gilded House 2024
Managed by Nahele Myrunji & Gilded Ventures.

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