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Gilded Ventures














The Divergence
In the bygone era of Verra, a thriving mercantile guild, renowned as Phoenix Antiquities, was home to numerous valiant and visionary explorers. It was from the ranks of this illustrious assembly that Gilded Ventures would find its inception, destined for greatness. Yet, fate had a different plan, as an unexpected and formidable external force emerged, shattering the unity within the guild. War, unforeseen and unforgiving, loomed on the horizon, catching the guild's members unaware until it descended upon them, forever altering their shared destiny.


Amidst the tumultuous conflict between the Aelan Societies and Pyrain, a profound schism emerged, casting a dark shadow upon the world of Verra and triggering ripples of discord across its shared spaces. Even the esteemed Phoenix Antiquities, a bastion of unity, was not immune to the impact of these turbulent times. It is within this crucible of chaos that Gilded Ventures found its inception, forged by a group of Pyrain individuals who had long served within the folds of the mercantile guild.


As the embers of conflict smoldered, the breakaway faction from Phoenix Antiquities embarked on their audacious venture, drawing their kin to this new path. Though direct confrontation between Phoenix and Gilded Ventures was averted, it was perhaps through a silent bond of mutual respect that such a confrontation never materialized. Their trajectories diverged at this critical juncture, each treading distinct paths in the aftermath of the war, forever shaping the destinies of these two fabled entities.


In this defining moment, Gilded Ventures capitalized on its core strengths, honing its pursuit of knowledge, cherishing the past, and diligently amassing reliquaries. As they navigated the currents of change, the preservation of their own prosperity became paramount, all the while unwaveringly adhering to their guiding principles and beliefs. Even after parting ways with Phoenix Antiquities, the indomitable mercantile spirit still coursed through the very essence of their being.


With unyielding determination, Gilded Ventures continued to foster a flourishing exchange of ideas, ensuring the smooth flow of currency and resources. Their unfaltering commitment to their ideals, combined with an insatiable thirst for discovery, propelled them forward, laying the foundation for a prosperous future. As they ventured forth into uncharted territories, the echoes of their origins resonated, inspiring them to uphold their legacy and embrace the endless possibilities that lay ahead.


Indeed, as the hostilities between the Aelan and the Pyrain intensified, the landscape of Verra bore the scars of this bitter conflict. Once-proud monuments and ancient testaments, which had withstood the test of time, now lay in ruins, their stories fading into obscurity. Amid this backdrop of destruction, Gilded Ventures found itself treading perilous paths and venturing into territories shrouded in danger. Undeterred by the risks, they took it upon themselves to preserve the vestiges of the past and the present, valiantly striving to safeguard the old ways and the wisdom they held.

Embracing their role as researchers, explorers, and adventurers, Gilded Ventures became renowned for their unwavering commitment to knowledge. Braving the perils of a world entrenched in conflict, they ventured into uncharted realms where others feared to tread. Their fearless pursuit of understanding and their relentless thirst for learning forged a reputation that echoed across the lands—a reputation that hailed them as stalwart protectors of history and seekers of truth.

In the face of adversity, Gilded Ventures stood firm, their hearts aflame with the fervor of preservation, their minds alight with curiosity. Their quest was not only to uncover the secrets of the past but also to illuminate the path forward. And so, they pressed onward, navigating the treacherous currents of war, ever committed to bridging the gap between the old and the new, all in the pursuit of knowledge and the preservation of Verra's rich and storied heritage.


This is where their Motto was born, Known as the “Adventuramur in Ignotum, Pererramus verum.”

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Property of Gilded House 2024
Managed by Nahele Myrunji & Gilded Ventures.

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